Stock Co/Elders Prospective Class Action
We are investigating potential claims involving StockCo Group Australia and would be pleased to hear from you about your experiences on an obligation-free and confidential basis.
Have you been impacted by StockCo giving you a facility for up to 100% of the cost of buying livestock for finishing, expecting to receive a profit or “grazing payment” – only to be left with a significant debt to StockCo?

Did StockCo offer you finance to purchase livestock even when banks and second-tier lenders wouldn’t do so?
Did StockCo provide you with a facility for 100% of the purchase price of livestock – livestock that StockCo, not you the producer, would own – while telling you that you would stand to make all the profit on “fattening” the livestock for sale, less StockCo’s outlays for the purchase price and the finance costs?

Even if you have signed a release, your company is in liquidation or you have been made bankrupt, you should still contact us. We can probably still help you.
If you feel dissatisfied or damaged from your dealings with StockCo, we encourage you to contact Levitt Robinson in Sydney at or Finance Dispute Legal in Brisbane at
Levitt Robinson – Matthew Page Solicitor: 02 9286 3133
Finance Dispute Legal – Callun Blurton, Associate Director: 1300 433 533
Did StockCo offer you finance to purchase livestock even when banks and second-tier lenders wouldn’t do so?
Did StockCo provide you with a facility for 100% of the purchase price of livestock – livestock that StockCo, not you the producer, would own – while telling you that you would stand to make all the profit on “fattening” the livestock for sale, less StockCo’s outlays for the purchase price and the finance costs?
Conflicts Statement
Class PR is a public relations company ultimately owned by persons closely associated and related to the Senior Partner of Levitt Robinson. It operates separately and independently from Levitt Robinson and may accept instructions from law firms other than Levitt Robinson (subject to strict confidentiality safeguards) and to provide PR and other services, and to litigation funders in general. It offers services to law firms and litigation funders among other sectors, as well as to members of the public with bright ideas, both to advance individual claims and class actions. We assist with class-building, marketing and sourcing litigation funding. It develops and runs strategic campaigns, lobbying government on behalf of individuals, communities, interest groups and industry, to address particular grievances or to achieve targeted objectives. Campaign activities include media liaison (all forms of media), preparing press releases and marketing materials and formal, researched submissions.
Each client relationship with Class PR is individual and confidential, as between Class PR and the client. We will provide our clients, at our own expense, with a Confidentiality (Non-Disclosure) and Non-Circumvention Agreement, upon your electing to engage us, to protect your confidential IP and business secrets.